Terms and Conditions

You the visitor of this website (referred to as the ‘visitor’, the ‘client’ or the ‘owner’); agree that you have read and understood the following terms and conditions prior to accessing any information displayed on this website. This website (site) is operated by Pure Eco Homes Pty Ltd, the trading company, hereinafter called ‘Pure’ or the ‘company’. Pure reserves the right to alter in any form any part of this site from time to time without prior notice to any party.

Warning Notice To Builders

All work on this website is copyright or trademarked. Do NOT steal our material – that includes text or plans or website layout! You do not have permission to use any information on this website. If you do, the monitoring company we employ will find you and we will SUE you. If you do not understand what copyright means visit www.ipaustralia.gov.au If you do not have a good command of english, hire a translator who can assist you. PURE is backed by LISSCORP, a privately owned company which aggressively defends its intellectual property.

Privacy Policy

All officers and employees of the company are required to abide by the obligations imposed under the Privacy Act 1998 and Privacy Amendment Act 2000.

In accordance with the National Privacy Principles 2001, Pure shall only collect personal information where that information is necessary for successful conduct of its activities as a business; and must only collect that information by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way.

Pure shall not make any information collected available to any party not directly concerned with the interests of its clients. Where information is provided to assist a supplier required to perform activities to meet our clients interests, Pure shall not be held responsible for these supplier/s’ privacy policies. It is deemed to be the responsibility of the owner of the information to access these suppliers should they have need to audit the use of said information.

Owners wanting access to any potential information that may be stored by Pure should address their request to the ‘Human Resources Manager’. A small administration fee may apply for accessing that information and making it available in readable format. The owner shall be advised of this fee prior to processing.

Pure may be compelled under a legal duty to compulsorily release information to government bodies such as the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink etc. In such cases we may release requested information without prior notification to the owner of the information.

Pure does not record or retain any IP address or any other information identifying a visitor to its website other than for the purposes of managing site traffic.

The contents of each email (including any attachments) may be privileged and confidential. Any unauthorised use, disclosure forwarding or copying of each email or any attachments is expressly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please tell us immediately by return e-mail and delete the document together with any attachments. Opening any attachments received from Pure Eco Homes Pty Ltd does not guarantee the integrity of any e-mails or attached files, does not warrant that they are free from computer viruses or other defects and is not responsible for any changes made to them by any other person.

General Disclaimers

Pure Eco Homes Pty Ltd and its associated entities accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred by you in whatever manner as a result of or in connection with your use of this web site, the information contained within, or any linked web site or your reliance on any information contained or accessed through this web site.

Although the information provided has been constructed with due diligence, no warranty can be given by the company, its associated entities, its officers, its stakeholders or its agents regarding the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any information presented in the web site. Photographs or artists impressions are for presentation purposes only and are indicative only. Intending purchasers should conduct their own substantive investigations and enquiries to satisfy themselves that the representations made fully meet their requirements. If they do not possess the necessary qualifications or abilities to make these determinations, they should seek out the professional advice of those qualified in the respective fields.

Pure may provide links to other related information provider channels for the benefit of visitors. Links from the Pure site to other sites shall be acknowledged by the visitor as being beyond the control of Pure. Such links do not represent an endorsement or approval of any information provided by these third parties. The visitor is advised to form their own opinion as to the validity of such provided information. Pure is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any such web sites. Pure advises that the visitor should read the Terms and Conditions of the information providers prior to accessing information.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Under the Copyright Act 1968, Pure Eco Homes Pty Ltd claims copyright of all website content displayed on its site in the form of text copy, designs, images, specifications etc. No part may be reproduced without prior written consent of Pure excepting that printed for the purposes of evaluating one of our homes for purchase by a prospective private domestic purchaser. No reproduction or archiving of any information of any part of this site in any format is authorised for commercial use. Items marked ™ and ® are the licensed intellectual property of Pure Eco Homes Pty Ltd and protected under the Trade Marks Act 1995. All rights reserved. Pure Eco Homes is backed by LISSCORP, a privately owned company.

Intellectual Property List

Pure Eco Homes
Healthy Home Sanctuary
Breathe air purer than mother nature’s
Build Technologies Synergy

REWARD of $1000 offered for information leading to a successful prosecution of an infringement or plagiarisation of PURE intellectual property or design. Call PURE and report now.