The enterprise flourished but then Eddie and Ossie both developed allergies. With internal home environment management and medication both improved their conditions considerably. This started them on the road they are currently on…researching and building homes that are sensitive to their owners needs, super energy efficient yet affordable…Passivhaus and Passiv principles builds (High Performance Builds)
Oswynne (Ossie) Salins is the Managing Director of Pure Eco Homes. Ossie graduated with a BA (Honours) degree and followed that up with a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). He is a Registered Building Practitioner (RBP) and a Certified Passivehaus Tradesperson.
He is also a ‘Greensmart Professional’ accredited with the Housing Industry Association (HIA), the leading Home Builder’s body in Victoria, the Master Builders being the other such association..
Eddie Salins completed his Engineering degree with honours and had worked in the commercial sector for a number of years. He looks after the technical aspects of the operation and is fastidious about the build quality of the finished product.
PURE ECO HOMES is the product of over 20 years of research and ideas into improving the quality of health within the home and energy efficiency. If you have read the research articles in Buyer’s Library, we hope you will understand our passion to build in a better quality of life for all PURE Owners, and hopefully you and yours.
It’s personal!